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Company Introduction

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"History is made by man. Let's go for it with a passion for new technology."

(Note) The flu Experience has undergone numerous changes since 2001 ans has had various technical exchanges with experts in various areas of the world.

Together, we continue our global business as a driving force for our industry. This global partenership is like a calm wave.
The reality, as it seems, is that we will be in the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is a storm, and we will be in a better environment.

The first

Various Dispensing Solutions
I'll supply it.

Solution and technology gained through various materials analysis and control technologies are supplied and operated in the manufacturing environment. The delivery of the solution will increase customer process and product reliability.

The second half

Reduce costs and improve processes
I will make a contribution.

Based on our extensive knowledge of materials, products, and other products, we help clients reduce costs and improve their processes by providing the right system for their environmert.

A third

How do you respond to your
I will participate actively.

We will actively respond th the simultion work for the development of a new manufacturing technique.

Technical resources derived from these activities will ve applied dirctly to the system to provide a more reliavle product.

Floux is a company that wants to solve customer issues with our partners and our experts.
I welcome you, and I'm always with you as my best friend.